Friday, November 18, 2011

My Travel

On my way to freedom.

Hey I'm back and more Crispin than ever. I walked through the forest and as I was walking I saw a horrible omen. I saw a devils sight, A man hung on a tree covered In moss and all the animals from the village eating out his eyes. I was petrified by the sight, I prayed long and hard and ran away. As I wondered into a little town probably attacked by the great mortality. As I came into the town I saw Church which I heard a man singing. As  I walked in I saw a large man with a red beard. He was the biggest man I have ever seen. With a large stomachs and a tunic split in half one side black and one side was red. as I got closer I saw that he noticed me he turned around and saw how I was shaggy and my clothes were dirty. As he drew closer I didn't know to stay or run. He was too close to run so I stayed. He saw the way I looked so hungry and offered me bread. I was shocked but reached out. HE grabbed my hand and squeezed it. HE said to me in a loud voice since ,"you ate the bread you are now my servant and I'm your master, say it". I was so scared he kept squeezing my wrist and squeezing harder until I agreed to be his servant. Once I said that he let go and went into silence. Bear then asked me why I was in the village alone. I told him that I was just running away not telling him the real reason why I ran away. I then asked him what happen to this village. He told me it was attacked by the great mortality. Me and him then left the village as we were walking he then took out 3 little leather balls and started to throw and catch them. It was amazing how he did it was like it was magic. We camped out in the forest for the night with bear and he gave me food. The next day he gave me a flute to play. He told me to play it as we walked in the forest I told I couldn't. He started yelling at me and saying play the tune NOW. All day of playing I finally got the tune. I started playing then Bear joined in and started to juggle and we began to preform together. Once we were done we went to bed Bear gave me bread and I went to prey. When bear saw me preying he asked what I was doing. I told him I was preying and then he told me I couldn't prey I tried to reason wit him but it was no use he was my mastered so I preyed secretly. The next day I Bear and I went to a town by the name of Logcott as we were heading for the gates I saw a few men, they where Aclyiffe and his men. I had already told Bear about what really happen so me and him went through the forest instead of the road as we were walking I went into more detail of why I was wanted by John Aclyiffe. As we were walking we finally got to the town of Logcott. When we got to the entrance bear told me to start playing my flute as we walked into the Logcott. As we approached kids came around us and followed us around. As I surveyed the area I noticed that the town was the same as Stromford with the church in the middle. Cottages to the side and the manor on the opposite side. Me and Bear approached the center of town everyone started to form a circle around Bear and me. We were creating quite a crowd,we got a many pennies. Bear then took a object form a man only having one eye. He stormed off looking mad I wanted to tell Bear but i didn't want to bother him. We stayed most of the day and then me and Bear left. I told him how much that town looked like my town,He told me that lord Furnival owns that and many other land. I then told him about the one eyed man, he told me to forget about it. I didn't want to forget but I had to forget for my master. We were walking and camping for a few day. One day I asked Bear to read my cross he read and looked at me in shock. I asked him what it said and he told me to be quiet and go to bed, I did but now I want to know what it says. The next day we approached Great Wexly.


You see back then there was many historical things going on. For example, many towns and villages were hit by the great mortality. Many towns were owned by the same Lord like Lord Furnival. People like Bear traveled the world but not for the same reasons as bear i'm starting to think. Going on in this time period some peasants were wanting to revolt against there Lords and king.

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